  • Bee Tips

    Early Spring Hive Inspections

    Should you do a hive inspection in early Spring?! We are always told to not open your hive in winter… but after weeks and weeks of winter cold all of a sudden the sun comes out and your hive is alive…

  • Bee Tips

    Feeding Bees

    There is nothing healthier for your bees than their own honey, or nectar and pollen they can collect from a source of flora nearby to the hive… but there are times when feeding your bees is required to maintain hive…

  • Bee Tips

    Bee Swarm Prevention / Control

    With Spring officially here and many blossoms already under way it’s time to turn your attention to swarming. Bee hives swarm when conditions are ideal and Spring is the main time for it to happen. In the Southern Highlands swarming…

  • Bee Tips

    Wintering Bees

    We all know how cold it can get over Winter in the Southern Highlands so it pays to think ahead and prepare your bees for the chill! Winter is hard for bees as there is often little or no food…